OSX Volume Cloning – using asr (Apple Software Restore)

CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) – a great tool – is no longer free !!!

Not cool!  Especially since OS-X has built in facilities to make the same functionality happen via the Apple Software Restoreasr” command accessible in Terminal.

asr functions in a similar way to ddrescue or dd in Linux systems.

Example (will clone drive “HddSourceDiskName” to “HddDestinationName” completely erasing the destination):

sudo asr restore --source /Volumes/HddSourceDiskName --target /Volumes/HddDestinationName --erase

You can do the following to see all the Volume names you have mounted:

ls -la /Volumes

Get full manual for details on restoring, scanning, and remotely located image file transfers – in Terminal:

man asr

Sample output:

$ sudo asr restore --source /Volumes/BACKUP --target /Volumes/BACKUP2 --erase
	Validating target...done
	Validating source...done
	Erase contents of /dev/disk4s2 (/Volumes/BACKUP2)? [ny]: y
	Validating sizes...done
	Restoring  ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100
	Verifying  ....10....20....30....40....50....60....70....80....90....100
	Remounting target volume...done