DS TECH OSX Finder – Show POSIX path in titlebar (full path) ~~ October 3, 2015 Replace only the current folder in Finder’s title bar to the FULL PATH: In Terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES; killall Finder Related Posts:Keyboard Maestro - OSX - new Terminal at Current…ext4 file system support on OSXOSX - get UID listEclipse IDE - OSX Install - error Java JVM…OSX Java JRE7 JRE8 - UninstallBitBar - OSX custom menu bar - running #!/bin/bashrsync - for photo backups (OSX to Ubuntu SMB storage)OSX (Finder) Yosemite+ - revert green zoom to maximize!rEFInd (FIX!) - OSX 10.11 El Capitan issues