Arch Linux on MacBookProRetina – Kernel breaks wifi – how to roll back to 4.1.6


All is great with pacman -Su – but occasionally unexpected things happen.

This morning after updating (including Kernel, wifi on MacBookPro11,1Retina broke.  It would recognize the network name it was associated with – and even shows signs of a connection – but no data would pass.

Removing and reinstalling the broadcom-wl driver (already had it in my cache) did not help.

Quick solution is to roll back the kernel update to the previous version 4.1.6.

0. Check the version that you are currently running:

uname -a

1. Check that you have it in your pacman cache:

find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -name 'linux*'

2. Reapply the previous kernel (pacman -U) in my case to 4.1.6:

pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-4.1.6-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

3. Reboot