ProTools SHORTCUTS – reset Feet+Frames Position to match picture

Working in a multi-reel session that requires use of Feet+Frames (in script) position as well as timecode (in session) is very simple.


e.g.: In a new project session, TC 01:00:00:00 shows 5400+00 Ft – we need this to reflect 0+00 to match picture.

The following must be done whenever changing to a different reel:

1: Park your play head at start of video (or any place where you see the feet+frames in the VIDEO image).

2: Pro Tools menu bar> choose SETUP > choose CURRENT FEET+FRAMES POSITION…

3: “Redefine Current Feet+Frames Position” window will appear:

4: Enter the “Desired Feet+Frames Position” number matching the Feet-Frames position IN VIDEO that you have at the currently parked playhead location.  My example, was 0+00.

5: Protools TIMECODE and FEET+FRAMES should now match through the reel.  The two images below show matching at the start and end of the reel.
Top of reel:

End of reel:protools-feetframe-6