Pro Tools 2018.4 Ultimate + Euphonix System 5F/5

Keep controlling, keep the amazing routing and monitoring, keep the pec-direct panels!

How to get this working?

OSX 10.13 High Sierra  (this was repeated successfully with OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan as well!!!)
Pro Tools 2018.4 Ultimate
Eucon Workstation 3.6.1  *2018.3 Eucon unified installer, or 3.7 **DO NOT WORK!**
eMix 6.1 (our build 19.5)

1. Network – cannot connect to Eucon from the ‘garage’

Regardless of what is indicated in System Preferences or in Eucon Preferences, the network settings seem to have a mind of their own.  Perhaps the installer is supposed to write the correct values, but sometimes it does not.

Check::  /Library/Application Support/Avid/EUCON/com.avid.eucon.plist
Ensure that your correct interface, IP address of the Eucon-attached NIC, and its correct MAC address are in this file.

Check:: /Users/_user_account_name_/Library/Preferences/com.euphonix.eucon.plist
Ensure that they <key>Discovery/LoopbackFeatureEnabled has a string of 0.   <string>0</string>  .

2. XML – Eucon connects, but Transport and Automation panels are non-functional
a. Navigte to: C:\eMix\Download\Nfs\Hybrid\UserSets\Default
b. duplicate “Pro Tools 12Mac.xml”
c. rename to “Pro Tools 18Mac.xml”  (no need to change contents)

As of 2018-06-29:: PARTIAL SUCCESS: TBD to finish this off
Transport functions but does not display TC on the desk
Automation works, but Suspends & Write Enables cannot be controlled from the desk


End notes:
-Windows installations may have completely different set of issues.  We cannot verify this.
-System 5 with separate Pilot, may or may not have the same issues (hopefully the above may give some hints on where to troubleshoot).