LibreOfficeCalc / Excel – same file in multiple widows


Sometimes… one view pane is not enough.  Working with larger data sets and many columns – there seems to be no place to put the graphs – save for, logically, on a separate tab/sheet within our file.  But switching back and forth between tabs hinders our ability to view the data graphs in real time as we update the data.

Open the SAME file in multiple window.  Both – LibreOffice Calc and Excel support this – on all platforms OSX, Windows, Linux (Excel via Wine – should work but not tested).  All changes made to the “data” window, will be immediately displayed in the “graph” window.  Works great for summaries, and other dashboard-style problems.

  1. With the file open – select the Window menu and choose “New Window”
  2. The SAME FILE will now be open TWICE – in separate windows.  Just select a different TAB in one of them, and align per your needs.03-calc-clutter-result
  3. This works exactly the same way with either LibreOffice Calc (screen shots above) and with Excel (screen shots below).04-excel-clutter-new-window
  4. And we’re done!  Have fun!05-excel-clutter-result