DS TECH LetsEncrypt update certificate ‘NO EFFECT’ FIX ~~ February 5, 2018 After updating certificates it is *CRITICAL* to reload NGINX for the updated certificates to be used. 1sudo systemctl reload nginx Related Posts:Firefox 42 + Java Runtime plugin disabled - FIXGnome3.16 - fix missing input methods - regenerate localeLibreOffice Write - FIX for inline images not showingnginx server block wordpress virtualhost https letsencryptrEFInd (FIX!) - OSX 10.11 El Capitan issuesUbuntu 17.04 Dropbox indicator fixNGINX config update for PHP7.2 from 7.0 upgradeOSX QuickLook - fix all those broken things...OSX - DON'T UPDATE! (10.9, 10.10, 10.11)