http status codes 3xx



HTTP status codes 3xx

In the HTTP protocol used by the World Wide Web, a redirect is a response with a status codebeginning with 3 that causes a browser to display a different page. If a client encounters a redirect, it needs to make a number of decisions how to handle the redirect. Different status codes are used by clients to understand the purpose of the redirect, how to handle caching and which request method to use for the subsequent request.

HTTP/1.1 defines several status codes for redirection (RFC 7231):

Redirect status codes and characteristics

HTTP Status Code HTTP Version Temporary / Permanent Cacheable Request Method Subsequent Request
301 HTTP/1.0 Permanent yes GET / POST may change
302 HTTP/1.0 Temporary not by default GET / POST may change
303 HTTP/1.1 Temporary never always GET
307 HTTP/1.1 Temporary not by default may not change
308 HTTP/1.1 Permanent by default may not change
