GIMP on Gnome3 – Theming Dark

Theming GIMP to match Gnome3 on a Dark Desktop


GIMP is great for many things.  However, when using a clean install on Gnome3 with a Dark Theme for the DE – GIMP does not inherit the dark menu and interface structure.  Resulting in an eye popping white interface on an otherwise darker display.

Like most things with Linux systems – we can easily tweak this.

Themes (Dark and other can be downloaded from a variety of sources (two listed below, or duckduckgo!:
Better GTK2 Themes for GIMP 2.8
GIMP Theme Project

Copy the downloaded theme files to your home folder into:


!Note the ” . “ in the .gimp-2.8 – this folder is hidden in Nautilus.  If using the Nautilus/Files file manager gui, hidden files/folders can be revealed using the key-combo CTRL-H – showing or hiding the hidden files/folders that are present in the front-most window you have open.

In GIMP, navigate the menus:
Preferences (Opens Preference Window) >>
Theme (Your new themes will appear here.)
Select your theme, and click OK.

See screenshots:

gimp-1-theme-preferences gimp-2-theme-default gimp-3-theme-select gimp-4-theme-dark