Firefox 42 + Java Runtime plugin disabled – FIX

Firefox 42 automatically disables Java plugin extension / add-on.

Solution from Oracle:

Firefox 42 crashes when trying to run the Java plug-in

NOTE: The workaround applies to Firefox 42, and requires Windows Java Version 8 Update 66 Build 18 or later versions. » See JDK-8133523 for related information.

A few options are listed. The simplest method is noted first and recommended. Other available options are not recommended for non-technical users.
Option 1 (Simplest method)
Add property name in Firefox preferences

Launch Firefox

Type about:config in the address bar

You will be presented with a Firefox warning about the configuration settings. After acknowledging the Firefox alert, you should see a listing of the configuration preferences.

Right-click anywhere inside the displayed list of preferences. 

Select New then select Boolean.
Add property name as

Add Preference name as
A window will be displayed, select false.

Then select OK.


Option 2

Create "user.js" file with preference entry

Instructions are based on Mozilla references listed below.

Use a text editor to create a "user.js" file in your Firefox profiles folder
Add entry:
user_pref("", false);


Option 3

Update "pref.js" file with preference entry

Locate the "pref.js" file in the Mozilla profiles folder
Find and update preference
user_pref("", false);

Mozilla references
