FinalCutPro7 AND FinalCutProX – Happy Together (OSX Yosemite)

Once you have FinalCutPro X installed on Yosemite (10.10) – you can no longer install FinalCutPro7.  [Same situation for Compressor]

The proper workflow would be to install FCP-7 BEFORE FCP-X.

If FCP-X and Compressor 4 are already installed, the work around is the following:

1- In /Applications folder zip the FCP-X applications which are installed:
– “Final Cut”
– “”
– “”

2- Delete the application files, leaving only the 3 new zip files in place.

3- Install FinalCutStudio3 / FinalCutPro7 using the standard installation process.

4- Open each application ensuring that it works correctly.

5- Create folder /Applications/Final Cut Studio 3,
move the newly installed v7 – studio 3 applications into this folder:
– “Final Cut” (version 7)
– “” (version 3)
– “”, “Cinema”  … etc….
– “Final Cut Pro Additional Easy Setups” (folder)
into the folder “/Applications/Final Cut Studio 3”

6- Once again, open each in the new location to ensure that they work.

7- Unzip the FCP-X generation apps back within /Applications folder which were created in Step1 above.

8- Delete the ZIP files – you no longer need them.