brew tools – details

brew tools

archydisplay system info, cpu, distro, hostname, etcarchysystem, version distro
bashbash 5
convert*part of ImageMagick - use to combine pdfs into a single filepdf, image
caskhomebrew gui app package manager extensionbrew cask [list,install,...]applications gui
dialogtool for simple dialogue box creation in bashinterface
ffmpegvideo audio conversion transcodingffmpeg -i output.mp4video
flacflac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder
gotoplive system infogotopsystem load
htoplive system infohtopsystem load
glanceslive system infoglancessystem load
handbrakevideo conversion and transcodingvideo
imagemagickimage conversionimage
media-infomedia detailed informationmedia
mcmidnight commander - file managementfiles
mplayervideo playervideo
ncduncurses du, directory space usagefiles
normalizeaudio file normalizationaudio
screenremote terminal emulationterminal
speedtest-clinetwork connection speed testernetwork
treetree text directory listingfiles
youtube-dlyoutube video downloadervideo
fehdisplay image in X outputfehimage

Listing of some useful brew tools, not all inclusive list. Mostly pertaining to daily media production workflow.