Bash Substring Matching within String


Other options: replace, shortest, longest, etc. See full POST FOR DETAILS.

3. Shortest Substring Match

Following syntax deletes the shortest match of $substring from front of $string


Following syntax deletes the shortest match of $substring from back of $string


Following sample shell script explains the above two shortest substring match concepts.

$ cat
#! /bin/bash


echo ${filename#*.}
echo ${filename%.*}

$ ./
After deletion of shortest match from front: string.txt
After deletion of shortest match from back: bash.string

In the first echo statement substring ‘*.’ matches the characters and a dot, and # strips from the front of the string, so it strips the substring “bash.” from the variable called filename. In second echo statement substring ‘.*’ matches the substring starts with dot, and % strips from back of the string, so it deletes the substring ‘.txt’