Arch Linux – MacBookPro Retina – Digital Audio LED


arch-apple_logoMacBookPro Retina has the digital out on by default – resulting in a red LED that is on from the headphones/line out/D.out port (MBP 13 2014 – left side).

This can be disables with alsa-tools.

pacman -S alsa-tools

To DISABLE digital out LED (Setting holds only for current session):

hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x21 SET_PIN_WID 0x00

To ENABLE digital out LED (Setting holds only for current session):

hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x21 SET_PIN_WID 0x40

Creating a systemd service to run at every boot.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/macbook-audio-led-fix.service

Service file content:

Description="Disables digital audio LED on macbook."

ExecStart=/usr/bin/hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC1D0 0x21 SET_PIN_WID 0x00


Start the service manually:

systemctl start macbook-audio-led-fix.service

Start automatically at startup:

systemctl enable macbook-audio-led-fix.service